Monday, May 7, 2012

Ants on a Log

Ants on a Log
16 x 20 Oil on Canvas

Peanut Butter was my inspiration to this piece.   I have been reflecting alot lately and I guess I am getting nastalgic.  As Peanut Butter is one of my  favorite childhood memories.  Did your Mom ever make you Ants on a Log for your afternoon snack?  These were some of my favorite after school snacks.  Although most of the time we just had the Log.  Ants were a big treat.  We also enjoyed making Peanut Butter mixed with syrup that we spread on saltine crackers.  The salty sweet was awesome.   Back then I did not even know that I was mixing a gourmet treat.  If we had added some cayenne pepper we would have had what"Trader Vicks" is famos for.

I am working towards a fall show where I am suppose to exhibit the unusual "one offs".  I hope I am not the only one that likes Peanut Butter.

I have copies of this, if the 16x20 is too large for your space.  I have archival watercolor prints today in either 5x7 or 11x14.