The following paintings are 5x7 on Canvas Panel board by RayMar. I love painting on these RayMar panels. I think my favorite size is 8x10. However, when I painted these paintings I was thinking of the space between the kitchen cabinets and the countertop, so I did not want to make them too large. If you look back to the older paintings here in my blog I have quite a few Southern paintings already. I just love being from the south.
What do you think of when someone says give me Southern things to paint? I am not a portrait or figure artist as you know, so I am trying to figure a way to get some bare feet in my art. Can you think of other items that are Southern? I would love to hear from you with suggestions for "Southern Paintings" to add to the Southern Collection of art.
Some of the following paintings have sold but a few are still available for $40.00. I can ship if you are interested in purchasing.