Monday, November 17, 2014

Southern Paintings

The following paintings are 5x7 on Canvas Panel board by RayMar.  I love painting on these RayMar panels.  I think my favorite size is 8x10.  However, when I painted these paintings I was thinking of the space between the kitchen cabinets and the countertop, so I did not want to make them too large. If you look back to the older paintings here in my blog I have quite a few Southern paintings already. I just love being from the south. 

What do you think of when someone says give me Southern things to paint?  I am not a portrait or figure artist as you know, so I am trying to figure a way to get some bare feet in my art.  Can you think of other items that are Southern? I would love to hear from you with suggestions for "Southern Paintings" to add to the Southern Collection of art.  

Some of the following paintings have sold but a few are still available for $40.00.  I can ship if you are interested in purchasing.

By the way, the winner if the September Painting Challenge was Holli A. who chose the "Country Wedding" painting as her free piece of art.  Thank you everyone that participated in the challenge with me.  Your comments help me to stay on track and complete the 30/30 challenge.  

Monday, September 29, 2014

30/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Flying High
I MADE IT! 30 PAINTINGS IN 30 DAYS!  I am thrilled that with a full time job, a small medical issue and planning for an Art Show on Friday that I was able to get all thirty paintings painted.

Now I can focus on larger and commissioned paintings that I have started this month in addition to these smaller pieces that I actually got completed and shared with you.

I need to give a special thank you to my husband who will love that I can relieve him of some of the duties he has performed this month for me.  He has been a huge help getting meals most nights.  Not to mention other chores.

Regarding the drawing I will place all the names of the fans that have made comments this month into a hat.  I will have a co-worker pull a name out of the hat and let you know the winner.  Thank you for your comments.  To be honest, some nights the comments were what keep me going, I did not want to let anyone down.  Anyway before Friday I will post the winner's name.  Good Luck to every one!

Don't forget today, September 30th, is the last day to get a comment in to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing.

29/30 September Painting Challenge

12x12 Barbie
I will be the first to say I am not a portrait painter but I did learn some things doing this 70's Barbie Doll.  I will try again to see if I can get a better liking.  Although I never actually had a Barbie I did have a doll her size named "Misty".  Maybe this painting is more like Misty than Barbie.  Did anyone else have a Misty Doll with all the markers to change her hair color?  She gave me hours and hours of fun.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

28/30 September Painting Challenge

6x6 Paper Fortune
I remember hours of fun with one of these.  The challenge for this one was to get the depth and height.  Maybe I should have gone more blue than green but all in all I am please with the composition.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.  The winner will get to choose from any of the original paintings painted during the challenge that have not already sold.

If you would like to purchase one of my paintings, please contact me either by e-mail or by telephone.  I can ship it to you by mail or FedEx. I also have the ability to accept your debit or charge card.  Donna's e-mail address is and telephone number (850) 803-1133.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

27/30 September Painting Challenge

8x10 Pretzel with Mustard
This month challenge is about painting more often and for me, additionally it is trying new techniques and subject matters. Today's painting allowed me to use a product that I have wanted to try for quite some time.   It is a product called Extra Heavy Gel.  It is added to your paint to keep it thick.  When I got the majority of the pretzel done it hit me that I could squirt the mustard on with this paint.  I am not sure that you can see from the photo but it is very dimensional and adds uniqueness to this painting in person.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.  The drawing will be from the original paintings painted during the September Challenge that have not already been sold.

Friday, September 26, 2014

26/30 September Painting Challenge

6x6 Spider Web
In keeping with the Halloween/Fall theme of the last few days, today's painting is a spider web covered in dew.  This time of the year as the cool moisture of the morning creates more fog and dew on the spider webs I see along the highway they just glisten.  Although I am afraid of spiders I think their webs are interesting and beautiful.  It is amazing the designs they achieve.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.  There is only 4 more paintings to go.  I do believe I am going to achieve the full 30 paintings in the challenge.  I actually have more than 4 paintings I want to get painted before this challenge is through and I move on to commissioned pieces.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

24/30 September Painting Challenge

8x10 Night Light
Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

23/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Collards and Black Eyed Peas
Collards and Black Eyed Peas a very Southern dish.  This piece came about because I believe the leaf of the Collard to be just a beautiful as a leaf of a flower, but it seamed to be so lonely without something else added.  The peas would be a perfect compliment.  They were a challenge to get the roundness but finally it all came together like a good meal.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.

Monday, September 22, 2014

22/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Fleur de Lis
Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.

Friday, September 19, 2014

21/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Bream
This one is for my fishermen fans.  Sure wish I had a mess of these guys with some hush puppies.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art Drawing at the end of the month.

20/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Geranium
Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free art Drawing at the end of the month.

19/30 September Painting Challenge

3x6 Koi Dance
First let me apologize for the photo of this painting.  It is still wet and the light is bouncing off the canvas so badly.  I will try to get a better photo once I have more time.

This painting is in keeping with the weekly theme of "Water Dance" and the poured acrylic technique like yesterday's painting was.  As the paint flowed I saw Koi appear.  I love how the marbled water came out.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Original Art drawing at the end of the month from the paintings done during this September Challenge.

Also, I would love for you to join my journey in art by signing up to follow me.  It is a two step sign up.  First enter you e-mail that you would like the newest art piece to arrive.  You will find that link in the upper right hand corner of this window.  Then you will receive an e-mail asking you to confirm.  That is all you have to do to receive an e-mail from my blog with my newest painting images.  Please join me, you never know what I will paint next.

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

18/30 September Painting Challenge

8x8 Luguna
Today's painting is another Water series painting.  This time I have used a poured acrylic technique.  Perhaps you can tell from all the variety this month I am trying new styles to make my art more appealing to art lovers. Some you will see again and some you will not, as they will only be attempted this month.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free Art drawing at the end of the month.  Be sure to check out all the September paintings to see the possible art.  All paintings that have not already sold will be available for the winner to choose from.

17/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Pink Float
In keeping with the "water dance" theme for the week, I was drawn to this scene because the way the water held the pink tones.  I think I love the reflections on the water as much as I love the scenes around it.

Don't for get to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free art drawing at the end of the month. The winner will get to select from the unsold paintings painted this month.  Do you have a favorite yet?

Monday, September 15, 2014

16/30 September Painting Challenge

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free art drawing at the end of the month.

15/30 September Painting Challenge

6x6 Red & White Fishing Bobber
My photograph of this painting looks far more grainy that the actual painting, although I am not sure why.  I think I am not a photographer but hopefully you can see enough to get the "feel" of this painting.  I was trying to express the water dance that the bobber makes when it hits it.  I hope my fishermen fans will like it.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the Free art drawing at the end of the month.  One of the unsold paintings from this months challenge will be the winner's choice.  If you have a favorite and would like to purchase now, simply let me know.  I can ship it to you.  The paintings will vary in price due to size and complexity but should average between $35.00 and $50.00 each.  Multiple purchases of the September challenge paintings will receive a discount.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

14/30 September Painting Challenge

8x8 Hot Tub Hot Chocolate
Today's painting is a gingerbread man in a cup of Hot Chocolate.  I envisioned him sitting in the cup like he was enjoying a hot tub bath in hot chocolate.  Can't you hear him sighing? I believe he is happy to be there.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible of the free art drawing at the end of the month.

Friday, September 12, 2014

12/30 September Painting Challenge

6x6 Carnation 
This painting was inspired by Leslie Saeta's palette knife painting.  I have a lot to learn when it comes to painting with the palette knife but that is what this challenge is all about trying those pieces I have always wanted to paint.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the free art drawing at the end of the month.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

11/30 September Painting Challenge

6x6 Sunflower #2 
Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the free art drawing at the end of the month.

Tuesday, September 9, 2014

10/30 September Painting Challenge

5x7 Grinch $47 Framed
The Grinch has such fun hands to paint.  Couldn't resist this Christmas painting for my September Painting Challenge.  If you are keeping up with all my blogs you already know that my paintings during this challenge are things I have always wanted to paint.  I am really enjoying the variety of my subjects.  I hope you are enjoying this journey with me.

Some of my challenge pieces have sold so if you are interested in a particular piece, please contact me.  I can deliver it or if you are not local I can ship it to you.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the drawing at the end of the month for a piece of free art.

9/30 September Painting Challenge

8x10 Snowie Pose
I love Snowies (snowmen and snow women) and have so much fun finding new ways to share their fun with my art fans.  As I have said before Snowies do everything, including posing for you.

Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the free art drawing at the end of the month.

Thursday, September 4, 2014

4/30 September Painting Challenge

I have been advised the link on my blog will not allow comments to be posted for some reason.  As my painting time is short each night I am unable to look into the 'posting of comments' problem.  I appreciate your input and do not want anyone being locked out from being eligible for the free drawing at the end of the month.  So until I can have computer time to rectify this issue, please send me a comment directly to my e-mail to be eligible for the free drawing. 

Here is today's painting:
6X6 Blue Bird

Here is a shortcut to my e-mail here.

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

30 Days 30 Paintings Painting # 1

5x7 Two Rods and a Boat - Sold
Don't for get to post a comment to be eligible for the Drawing at the end of the month.

2/30 September Challenge 2014

8x10 "Nosey" Turtle $80.00
Don't forget to leave a comment to be eligible for the free art at the end of the month.  Perhaps a cool title for the art.

Monday, August 25, 2014

Upcoming Festival Schedule

16x20 "Trolling for the Big One"
Just a reminder that my next Art Show is in Destin, Florida at Baytowne Wharf on Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights from 5:00 to 10:00 p.m. each night, August 29, 30, & 31st.  I will be set up in booth 35.  If you come by trolley, come through the breezeway and turn left and I'll be on your right.  I am happy it is a night festival as it will be cooler for everyone, artists and patrons alike.

Additional dates to note are October 4 & 5th in Fairhope, Alabama for the Grand Festival, November 1 & 2 in Ocean Springs, MS for the Peter Anderson Art Festival and November 29 & 30 in Saint Augustine, Florida for St. Augustine Art Association's Art Festival the weekend of Thanksgiving.

Hope you will come see me at one of these events either in Florida, Alabama or Mississippi.

Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Drawing for a Free Painting for my Blog Fans

I was issued a challenge from talented artist, Leslie Saeta, from California to paint 30 paintings in 30 days with her.  I have accepted this challenge.  I am both excited and concerned that I can live up to the challenge while working a full time job and preparing for an upcoming fall festival schedule. As you see, I had set my New Year's Resolution this year to paint LARGE paintings for my festival attendees.  This will definitely have to be put on the back burner to complete a painting each evening after work. So the paintings will be approximately 5x7 or 6x6 unless noted in my post on that day.

The paintings I plan for this challenge will be from my “bucket” list of paintings things I have always wanted to paint.  Some will be tests to see if I can do it others will be working out the detail stuff for larger paintings.  Do you have a photo that you would like me to consider for this challenge?  If so, please send it to me at  Please send it to immediately so that I can select from the entries sent to me. 

By the way, as a way to say Thank You for participating in this challenge with me, and for your encouragement over the years, I will draw a name from the comments left during the month of September and a lucky winner will get a free piece of art.  You must leave a comment on my blog site to be eligible for the drawing.   Comments left on Facebook are appreciated but are not added to the eligible drawing names.  I will draw the first week of October to see who the lucky winner will be.

I thank you for being fan of my art.  You play a large part in the success of my work.
5x7 Framed Dandelions
Today's painting is from my private collection.  It is not for sale but can be special ordered.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Wave Crest

18x24 Deep Gallery Wrapped Canvas
Today's painting "Wave Crest" is my newest painting to my Coastal paintings in landscapes.  My goal this summer is to paint more coastal and water paintings for my upcoming fall show season.  However, any painting or print of the original is available now if you see something you like.  Just contact me either by e-mailing me at or by going to my website here.

Prints are available in either larger or smaller than the original if your needs require a different size.  Prices ranging from $15.00 and above.

If you have a favorite photo of a coastal image that you would like seen turned into a painting, please send it to me via e-mail with your permission to use it.  Possibly your photo will be the one chosen for a large painting.  Keep in mind that the painting will look somewhat similar. If you are looking for an exact replica you might want to have it copied at your local photography shop.  I really appreciate any ideas you may have.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Destin Waves Paintings

For today's post I would like to share one of my Destin Florida paintings.  If you like it please go to the following link and leave a comment.  I have entered it to be Judged by Daily Paintworks Monthly Contest in their June paintings.  Perhaps a comment or two would help it get some attention from the Judges.  I welcome all comments, good or bad.  See and vote here.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

TroyFest Festival 2014

Just a quick reminder that Saturday and Sunday I will be at the TroyFest in downtown Troy, Alabama.  It is free to attend and there will be lots to see and do.  I understand the music will be awesome this year.  Please stop by my booth for some conversation and to see my latest paintings. 

If you would like more information or driving directions please check out the following link: 

The Festival runs until 5:00 p.m. both days.

The painting shown here was an award winning painting from last year's TroyFest event.  While the original is sold I do have copies and can have them available for you this weekend.  Simply give me a call or e-mail me  here to let me know what size you need.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Piney Woods Art Festival

My next Art Festival Show is April 4th & 5th, 2014 in Enterprise, Alabama.  The Festival hours are 9:00 to 5:00 Saturday and Noon to 4:00 on Sunday.  We will be set up at Enterprise State Community College at 600 Plaza Drive, Enterprise, AL.

For more information or directions on the event see Coffee County Arts Alliance web site.

Find a map to the location here.

Gulf Breeze 20th Annual Fine Arts Festival

This weekend,  March 29th & 30th , 2014 I be in Gulf Breeze, Florida.  We will be located at the High School on Highway 98, Gulf Breeze.  The Festival begins Saturday at 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. and Sunday 10:00 to 4:00 p.m.. I am in booth number 267 on the walkway nearest the school.  I hope you will stop in and see me.

Easter paintings and prints will be available.

For more information or directions see Gulf Breeze Arts organization web site.

Mention this post and I will give you a 20% discount on any purchase.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Update on Riverwalk Art Festival

I would like to thank the Judges at the Riverwalk Art Festival for the huge surprise.  I was awarded First Place in the Painting category of juried artwork.  I am very honored.

The following paintings, I am told, were the ones that caught the Judges attention:
Prints Available

Prints Available

12x12 Original and Prints Available